Event Timeline

tools that were made, for when you need it

Pre Event

Everything you need to welcome people to your event

  • Send out “batched” personalized invitations
  • Custom event registration forms for attendees and staff
  • Direct and stationary messaging
  • Direct Communiation with attendees and staff

During Event

Everything you need to provide a flawless attendee experience

  • Guidence on getting there and around
  • Smart, personalized schedules for attendees and staff
  • Realtime messaging with attendees and staff (groups)
  • Push notifications for realtime updates
  • Beacons and geolocation technology
  • Access our “Experience Suite Features”
  • Access to important to consumer information
  • Sponsor branding and vendor recognition
  • Community activity stream and social media sharing

Post Event

Everything you need for post event engagement and reflection

  • Distribute post event surveys to attendees
  • Anaylitics and details per category, per user type
  • Ongoing communication with attendees
  • Manage staff communication before closing

All Controlled by the Admin (you) built for 4 different personas

Sports Competition

Revolutionize how you register and manage athletes with personalized invitations, digitalized collection of custom data and easy form upload. Communicate to all the right participants at the right time, spotlight sponsors, and align the experience with a mobile app companion.


Transform your event by helping attendees easily navigate through their experience with personalized scheduling, venue maps and keynote speaker information. Make registering easy and communicating to the registered even easier.


Connect in meaningful and relevant ways. Keep your organization engaged all year long and generate a sense of community with up to date information on what’s going on. Boost authentic activity with custom messaging and private social media streams.

for Destinations

Elevate the experience by providing a convenient and useful tool for guests to best experience your destination. Encourage visitors to build a custom itinerary of top places to visit and how to get there all while driving social engagement and shares.

From sporting events to college graduations - EPP is a flexible
platform that can be tailored to your event.

From sporting events to college graduations - EPP is a flexible
platform that can be tailored to your event.

Easily intergrate with any 3rd party service provider

Easily intergrate with any 3rd party service provider

Want to learn more? Lets chat. Contact us